Johannes Reichmann

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Why are you here? What question do you have?

For me, everything revolves around relationships. Between people, or in relationship with themselves. And I always find communication to be a foundation that can nourish these relationships. I believe openness, attentiveness, couriosity and respect are fundamental to good conversations. It helps to creates bridges between people, which then enable active listening, understanding and effective collaboration. And a little humor here and there might help as well.

So - where can I be a sparring partner for you? With a space for appreciative reflection and clarity? A good conversation can be very powerful: Attentive listening enables deep connection, asking the right questions can lead to previously unknown insights, precise planning can motivate and make the next steps visible. In this way, I can help to overcome obstacles and achieve goals with clarity, curiosity and confidence - or simply help to accept the situation as it is. Or to reassess it. Together.

Communication isn’t just submitting information, it is creating relationships.
Schulz von Thun

Also me

  • soon to be positive psychologist (M.A. DHGS Berlin)
  • natural scientist (eco. troph. M.Sc. JLU Giessen)
  • experiential educator,
  • ice bath enthusiast, spoon carving teacher and
  • loving son, partner and father

Let's meet