
20 ways to seduce you to experiment

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When was the last time you tried to do something new at work? Focused experiments might not be new, but a very powerful way to learn or innovate at work. This handout gives you twenty ways to seduce you to experiment during those work days that are ten a penny.


For example:

  1. Change of scenery!
    Check your agenda and see what upcoming meetings there are. What about not doing the meeting at the regular meeting room. But rather to choose a different location.
  2. Throw things away
    Sit down and reflect: which things are right now on your desk or on your laptopdesktop that are in fact a burden. Take 10 minutes to clear your desktop.
  3. Ask questions about questions
    Research shows that asking questions about questions contributes to knowledge building during meetings. In your next meeting, experiment with not answering questions; not even pose questions; but rather to ask questions about questions from someone else.