Podcasts von Suzanne verdonschot
Publications von Suzanne verdonschot
18-06-2024 /
Zeig’s mir!
15-02-2024 /
Die Wirksamkeit von Lerninterventionen in Organisationen untersuchen
06-11-2018 /
Exploring the learning potential of evaluation research by a review of 17 impact studies
06-11-2018 /
Learning interventions are only then successful when people actually start doing something differently in their day-to-day work
28-11-2017 /
The impact of a leadership program
13-09-2016 /
Learning by experimenting. Four building blocks that help to start your own experiment
10-11-2015 /
Innovieren im Studium lernen. Elf Fähigkeiten und Tipps für Lehrende
06-06-2015 /
Organizational change: one conversation at a time
23-09-2013 /
Listen to the radio!
09-04-2012 /
Shop assistants as instigators of innovation: analysis of 26 innovation initiatives in 17 Dutch supermarkets
01-04-2012 /
Experimenting, reinventing the wheel and talking with friends
27-10-2011 /
Learning with the intention of innovating: 11 design principles for knowledge productivity
09-04-2008 /
The prescriptive quality of 11 design principles for knowledge productivity
03-03-2006 /
Disturbing the system