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Development Centers

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Das Learning Lab ist ein leistungsstarkes Werkzeug, gleichzeitig für die persönliche Entwicklung von Mitarbeitern und die der Organisation. Die Vision, die gewünschte Richtung eines Unternehmens wird in konkretes Handeln der Beteiligten übersetzt. Im Learning Lab experimentieren die Teilnehmer in realen Arbeitssituationen mit Handlungsweisen, die zur Erreichung der Organisationsziele beitragen. Es inspiriert Mitarbeiter in ihrer Arbeit und Entwicklung und gibt einen starken Impuls für den Wandel der Organisation.

The Development Center can be used for:

  • Organisational change
    Professionally facilitated by Kessels & Smit consultants, the participants work on an urgent organisational issue. By doing this together with managers, co-workers and clients, the organisational change or merger can take shape. While the participants learn, they strengthen their relationships with customers and colleagues.
  • Leadership development
    By experimenting with new behaviours in work situations, managers grow their impact as leaders. They receive continuous feedback from our consultants and immediately experience the effects of their different approaches. In this way, they gain insight into their talents and developmental potential.
  • Team development
    Teams know patterns of collaboration. The DC makes these patterns visible, breaking through the ineffective patterns while continuing the effective ones. The team members receive feedback as they work on a real job. They practice new ways of working together, which leads to a well-functioning team.


A Development Center is an effective concept that has been proven to be successful in both profit and non-profit contexts. Development Centers are designed in close collaboration with the client. 

Anne Marie van de Wiel
Marijke Boessenkool
Harold Marsman
Marcel Kuhlmann
Saskia Tjepkema
Martine van Es
Michael de Bont
Theo Visser
Koen Weber
Remko van Oijen
Barbara Grijns
Pieterjan van Wijngaarden

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