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The 1st out of 6 Concrete Suggestions for Entrepreneurs from SXSW
In the upcoming days I’ll share 6 concrete suggestions for entrepreneurs from SXSW, through cartoons and mini-blogs. Here’s the first one: Have fun!
At SXSW everybody seems to have fun. There’s time for meet-ups, for beers, for connections. Not only during the sessions, but even more on the streets outside the conference buildings.
Having fun was a crucial ingredient for the birth of innovative platforms like Twitter and Facebook. Biz Stone, co-founder of Twitter and founder of Super - a very cool and funny app - said it very powerful during one of the sessions: When you create something fun, the more people will use your product. The more people use your product, the more impact you’ll have.
Having fun is one of the best ways to grow your business. When did you’ve had fun at work for the last time?