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Special news: Kessels & Smit, The Learning Company is now also based in Rwanda! Also here we hope to contribute to movement and impact with our people-oriented approach to organizational development.
Colleague Martine van Es is in Kigali with her family to set up and expand the activities of K&S Rwanda. First insights into the market show that attention to organizational and leadership development is growing. Taking an appreciative, learning perspective on e.g. midterm reviews, collaboration issues or culture change is also gaining traction. And we as K&S are excited to contribute to that.
In addition, Martine has started an action research project in which she combines her fascination for peacebuilding and conflict with her expertise in cooperation around complex issues. The action research is about the quality of cooperation in consortia. In development cooperation, working together in consortia is a trend. When organizations with different backgrounds work together on complex social issues, this can create more impact. In practice, it is quite difficult to shape this cooperation in a productive way. Organizations often each work from their own culture and there is more focus on the content of the programs than the how and the process. What are the key factors in achieving successful collaboration? What dilemmas do consortia encounter in their collaboration? What stories and learnings can inspire other consortia to do (even) better? Together with several consortia working on peacebuilding in Rwanda and the region, Martine will explore these questions.
Do you want to know more about K&S's activities in Rwanda, or do you want to put someone in touch with us? Or would you like to stay informed about the action research? Then email mvanes@kessels-smit.com.